#134 Monteath Mausoleum

Hey folks,

Today’s photo is of the Monteath Mausoleum in Glasgow’s Necropolis cemetery – the burial place of many of Glasgow’s great and famous of the past.

It’s quite a cemetery, with some 50,000 people buried there over the course of three centuries (19th-21st), from most denominations of Christianity as well as Judaism, too. There are plenty of ghost stories, including one of a white figure roaming the Necropolis at night. Some of the architecture is very interesting – this being one of my favourites.

It’s also not a bad spot for a view over Glasgow, as it sits atop a hill, or just to hang out on a sunny day if you’re not bothered by the potential spooks and want a bit of peace from the busy parks of the city (and you’re somewhat gothically inclined…).

Thanks for visiting,


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